Dealing With Disputes from Med Spa Clients

November 15, 2024

Med spas have become a booming industry, offering a wide range of non-invasive treatments that allow clients to achieve their desired aesthetic results without needing to be in a traditional medical practice setting. Many clients are thrilled with the results that they have achieved. But just like in any business, there are some clients who are less than pleased with the services that they have paid for. While disputes will be a part of any practice, here are some tips to avoid having those disputes enter into the courtroom.

Why Might There Be a Dispute At a Med Spa?

Disputes at a med spa can arise for various reasons. In the case of med spas–where people are seeking a sleeker or more youthful appearance–disputes often arise from unmet expectations or misunderstandings about treatments. Clients may be dissatisfied with the results of a procedure. They might also misunderstand the price (especially if multiple treatments are necessary to get the desired results). If clients have side effects or require aftercare that they were unaware of, they could argue that they were not adequately informed about potential risks or requirements. Med spa clients might also raise concerns about hygiene, safety protocols, or the professionalism of staff.

Tips to Preventing Disputes

The good news is, looking at this list, many of these concerns are preventable. Here are some tips for preventing disputes.

Create a Clear Refund/Resolution Policy:
Establish a clear, written policy regarding refunds, re-treatments, and resolutions for dissatisfied clients. Make sure all clients are aware of this policy in advance.

Encourage Feedback:
Encourage clients to provide feedback after their treatment. This can help you identify issues before they become bigger disputes.

Follow Safety and Hygiene Protocols:
Adhere to strict hygiene standards and safety protocols to build client trust. Display your certifications and licenses in clear view to reassure clients of your credibility.

Maintain Professionalism and Courtesy:
Train staff to be professional, empathetic, and attentive to clients’ needs. Good communication and a friendly, welcoming atmosphere can go a long way in preventing dissatisfaction.

Provide Detailed Aftercare Instructions:
Give clients written and verbal instructions on post-treatment care to avoid confusion or complications. Ensure they know how to handle any potential side effects.

Set Clear Expectations:
Ensure clients fully understand the expected results of treatments, potential side effects, and recovery time. Provide thorough consultations before any procedure. Make sure to make results clear on your med spa website.

Thoroughly Inform Clients About Risks:
Be transparent about the risks and potential complications associated with each treatment. Have clients sign informed consent forms before starting procedures.

Have Transparent Pricing:
Clearly outline the cost of treatments, including any additional fees for aftercare or follow-up appointments. Avoid hidden charges and confirm pricing in writing.

What Are Some Ways That I Can Resolve a Dispute Without Going to Court?

If your client is unhappy, there are things that you can do to handle the situation. Here are some things you might consider.

Offer a Refund or Credit: No one likes to lose money, especially if you believe that you provided excellent service or suspect that the client is taking advantage of the situation. But if the client is dissatisfied with the results of a procedure, offering a refund or spa credit may be an appropriate solution. This option allows the client to either get the treatment re-done or use the credit for future services.

Offer a Complimentary Treatment: If the issue is related to a specific treatment, consider offering a complimentary procedure to remedy the dissatisfaction, such as additional Botox, a complimentary facial, or a follow-up session for laser treatments. For instance, if the client does not believe that the Botox has not eliminated their wrinkles, you might give them a second Botox treatment.

Provide Clear Expectations Moving Forward: If you provide a solution where the client will be coming back, you want to be very clear about what they can expect. For instance, if the client believed that they would have no wrinkles ever again after a single Botox treatment, you want to sit down with them and have a clear discussion about what can be done in future treatments. Set realistic expectations moving forward. In some cases where the client is dissatisfied, the med spa has done a poor job communicating what to expect from the procedure.

Follow Up: After resolving the complaint, follow up with the client to ensure that they are satisfied with the outcome. A follow-up call or email demonstrates that you care about their experience and are committed to their satisfaction. They are much less likely to leave a negative review or not return as a client if they feel like you truly care about the outcome. 

Should I Get An Attorney Involved?

In some situations, disputes cannot be resolved by speaking with the client. There are times that an attorney should be involved.

If a client threatens to file a lawsuit or demands compensation for issues like medical complications, injuries, or perceived medical malpractice, it is essential to consult with a lawyer. An experienced med spa attorney can help you figure out how to defend yourself, whether it involves reviewing contracts, investigating potential violations, or preparing for mediation or court proceedings.

Even if you consult with an attorney, you might be able to avoid the courtroom. If the client insists on going to court, your lawyer may suggest mediation or arbitration, which are alternatives to traditional litigation. These methods can be less costly and time-consuming, and offer a more informal and collaborative way to resolve disputes. You can get the benefit of a third party to help you resolve the issue, if things are particularly contentious. However, having legal representation during these processes ensures that your interests are adequately protected.

Consult a Med Spa Attorney

A med spa attorney can help ensure compliance with regulations and protect your business from potential disputes. They provide legal guidance on contracts, informed consent, liability issues, and dispute resolution. A proactive legal approach, combined with strong customer service, can minimize legal risks and enhance client satisfaction.

*Disclaimers: Thoughts shared here do not constitute legal advice nor do they form an attorney-client relationship.  All digital presentations by our firm or its attorneys are provided as a public informational resource.  Although intended to be correct and up to date as of the date posted, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of posted information, especially as it relates to individual situations.  We do not routinely update such information.  To determine up-to-date information about the subject matter of this information and proper application to a specific situation, it is important that you consult your healthcare attorney.  Our communications of information through the Internet shall not constitute “presence,” “doing business” or the practice of law in any location, even when a specific state or its laws/rules are referenced.  Our firm maintains offices in Georgia and no other state. Our attorneys are licensed in some, but not all, states.  For each client engagement we accept, our firm undertakes best efforts to ensure we are aware of and adhere to applicable jurisdictional requirements, which may include reviewing local rules, conducting relevant research and collaborating with, or referring a matter to, a local attorney.

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